Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

The Adventage of Organization to Learn About Politics Early

Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
Hi guys, goodmorning everybody? Are you enjoy your life today? Let me introduce my self, I’m Nailah Azkiya’ or just Nailah for short. Bigthanks for your time to join my short speech. This morning I want to tell you about The Adventage of Organization to Learn About Politics Early
Do you know about Extern School Student Organization (OSIS), Executive Student Organization (BEM), Mosque Teenager Organization or many other kind of teenager or students organization else?
In your point of view, what the advantage of organization for teenager especially students? I think there are many adventage there. If you was join organization since you in adolescence you will get many adventage such as add many friends, increase your knowledge, make your mindset better, be strong in face pressure, increase communication skills, train leadership skills, learn to set the time, extending networking, sharpening ability social, and the most important in our topic is organization make you learn about politics. After I show you how the organization teach you about politics come on learn about politics before. Politics is a abillity or step to reach the destiny with a particular steps. So, how can I say if organization can teach you about politics? How it happen? As you know guys, if you join an organization. There, you also study about politics. You will study about how to be good leader, how to makes a good networking, how to get power to mastering the society. You will get all of these there guys!!
If you unbelieve me, I will give you an example. I am is a member of Muhammadiyah Students Organization. Before I’m join with them, I just a regular student who walk her day with went to school then study then went to school again then blablablaa... and so on. I walks my life so flat. But when I’m join that organization I learn many things. An the most important I learn how to understand the poeple. This is so important as our provisions to join in the politicals oneday later. Come on guys, we are the teenage generation of our country. We must makes a change or actually many change for our country future. We must changed the Corrupt politician who can we find in all of part in Indonesian. We must change it!! And to change it we must to be a briliant young generation. So, are you ready to it guys? If you agree with me please say yes we can if I ask you Are you ready to better future? Ok? J
Ok guys I that’s all. Thanks for you attention and wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

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